On the Tasman Sea, lows follow highs follow lows in a ceaseless cycle. During winter months, June to roughly October or November, the regular “Southerly Bluster” cold fronts sweep up from the frigid Roaring Forties to find the warm southbound Australia Current that comes down from the tropics. The meeting of these gives you the tumultuousness the Tasman often sees, with gale force winds. There are also cyclones, of course, in the southern summer, but the truth is that winds can come from any direction at any strength at any time of year. This means that any boat following the most careful suggestions as to when to make the crossing could be caught suddenly by really nasty weather. The SV Nina left Whangarei in May of 2013 and was lost and never found. She was a 70ft fully set-up blue water schooner with a highly experienced captain and crew.
We were leaving Whangarei in early June. We were a crew of 3. Myself, Tucker, and the boat’s captain, Orlando. The year before, we had spent 4 months with Orlando sailing the Coconut Milk Run: French Polynesia, Niue, Tonga, and Fiji. Orlando is a wonderful person. He is positive, idealistic, stoked, a problem solver, a jokester, and all around just a really good person. When it turned out he and we were all trying to leave New Zealand for Australia at the same time, we gladly rejoined his boat, Paladino, for the trip.

this is orlando
I had had some misgivings about this trip. Some little part of my brain didn’t want to go, was convinced we would never make it across. I had never had this feeling of foreboding before a trip and couldn’t help but wonder why. Most likely it stemmed from the crossing’s reputation. Coupled with that was the fact that, though the boat was as stout as could be desired, none of us were totally convinced that she could right herself from a roll (and with the kind of seas you might encounter in the Tasman, you have to be ready to take a roll in case of a broach, which basically means getting a big wave on your side that flips the boat over). Her hatches were not built to be water-tight. Orlando had devised some pretty cool wooden covers that bolted down over them, but they had never been tested. But I also really wanted to go on the trip. So I shook the uneasy feeling off as best I could. After 2 weeks of waiting for a weather window, we saw 10 days of acceptable forecast ahead (the trip takes 14 days in Paladino) and sailed out of Whagarei Harbour, Brisbane bound.
Fast forward a week. I stood frozen, slightly stunned, water dripping down my drenched head and onto what had, just moments before, been all of my dry clothes. I had just remembered that the hatch they were under sometimes leaked and was about to move them to a drier location. Which is exactly when a sneak swell decided to come over the railing onto the cabin top. It had no qualms about slipping through the cracks in the “closed” hatch, down onto both my head and my once-dry pile of clothing.
That was the first of three salt-water assaults during the course of that day, and the beginning of a single-sided game of Whack-a-Mole. Della vs the Tasman: Della, 0, the Tasman, alot. Do you know the game I’m referring to? The title kind of sums it up… There are lots of holes and when a little mole pops up, you have smack it with a mallet. I was the mole, the sea was the mallet. The next smack came as I sought refuge in the V-berth, curled up in my down sleeping bag. Stripped down to my underwear, settling down for a nap, more than a pail’s worth of water landed directly on my lap, raining down from a vent in the cabin top. I had never even known there was a vent up there, an opening directly from the forward cabin top down into the V-berth. Orlando had forgotten it was there, and to be fair, he had no reason to remember: water never came onto the boat that far forward. The years’ worth of dirt that came down with that water attested to as much. My relatively new down sleeping bag suffered at least as much as I did.
The first few days of sailing had been calm, protected by New Zealand’s eastern shore. But once we turned west over her northern point into open-ocean, we were given a stout reminder of why sailors have always treated the Tasman with respect. The weather and sea state were nothing particularly exceptional, but raw enough to give the boat a good shake down as she took the swells just forward of her beam. Now a week into the trip, water had become a constant companion, both inside and outside the boat.
My first two dousings had pretty successfully soaked the salon bed and the V-berth, and my third turned the galley into a swimming pool. We had put the companionway boards into place that morning and had adopted a method of opening the companionway hatch, hoisting ourselves over the boards, and quickly closing it, in order not to let a sneaky wave in. I had just opened the hatch and poked my head out to ask Tucker a question when a wave defied gravity, and with a seemingly singular intention leapt over the railing, past the cockpit, over my head, down the companionway and into the boat. Tucker looked shocked. “I’ve never seen anything like that happen.” Yeah, I thought, theory confirmed. The ocean is definitely playing a game of Whack-a-mole with me. Nowhere is safe.

Pulled from a video of being engulfed by a wave
On a boat, once wet, always wet. Salt sucks water in. If you have it in your clothes, they never feel dry, gathering all the moisture in the air. And so we spent the next week just giving in to the wet. Most boats are all about fresh water conservation, so no showers, no cleaning of your clothes, no dry sheets, just foul weather gear, day and night, wind and waves. Not a big deal, boats are all about giving in to slightly uncomfortable physical sensations.
And, sometimes, the mental sensations can be equally uncomfortable. By day 8, the ocean’s playful spirit decided to transfer from me to the boat. Whack-a-mole began hitting one system after another, and things started to break. I think the first was the discovery that there was water in one of the diesel tanks. The whole tank was fouled. It was no emergency, we had two tanks (but just because you have two lungs doesn’t mean you feel very comfortable loosing one). So we shut that off, switched to the other tank, and kept an eye on the Racor, the water-separating fuel filter. Then it was the fresh water filter that died. Also not a big deal, Orlando had a spare. But the pump was acting up, sometimes we had pressure– that is sometimes drinking water came out of the faucet– and sometimes no. And then the water tanks were way emptier than they should have been. We reasoned there must have been a leak somewhere, all our smacking into big seas maybe loosened something up. Fine fine, we had brought a bunch of bottles of fresh water, we’d just have to be even more conservative. Then a broken belt on the engine. Again, no problem, Orlando had a spare (he is one of the most prepared individuals you will ever meet, he has a spare for everything). Then waking up in the middle of the night to a boat full of smoke. The new belt was rubbing. More investigation. No, the coolant pump was seizing and the belt ran over it making the friction too high. Kind of a problem, this could mean the end of having a working engine. So, some hours down in the engine room, and with some effort, the water pump was freed up. Though it seized a few more times, eventually it worked itself out. Then a discovery that the hitherto small engine oil leak had gotten much worse. And then the subsequent discovery that the 10L bottle of engine oil we had thought was full only had about 3 liters in it. And we needed to save that so we could rely on having an engine once we got to the channel into Brisbane. So, if possible, no more motoring. OK, we’d been engineless before on other boats. Not the end of the world. Boats haven’t had engines for very long, in the grand scope of things. That’s what sails are for, right?
My personal favorite was the way the superficial structure of the walls in the forward head (aka, bathroom) shifted at some point. The main mast, under its usual load, flexes a bit as the seas move the boat and the wind affects the sails. Paladino is a keel-stepped mast, so it passes through the cabin top, and, in her case, runs along the head wall. With the boat being tossed around more than usual, the mast was flexing alot, minutely moving that wall as it did. With all this motion, a piece of wood in its trim had shifted visibly. And it was nestled against another piece just right so that every minute or so, as the mast moved it would slip, slip, slip, and “SNAP!” against the other piece of wood. Had the rigging loosened? No… Did the mast wedges look like they had moved? No… We ruled out all the bad stuff and then just tried to jam something in the crack to make the popping stop. No success. It wasn’t loud enough to keep you awake as long as you didn’t focus on it. And it wasn’t dangerous, just…unsettling. Made it sound like the boat was coming apart.
Now, boats have problems, things are always breaking no matter how well tended the boat. I’ve never been on a long crossing when something or other doesn’t break. But this was extreme. Unlucky I’d even say. A new failure every single day, sometimes two a day. None of them were dangerous (though the lack of an engine always makes you feel a little nervous, like a sitting duck, especially in the notoriously storm-swept Tasman). Most of the things that had failed were just a financial burden for the captain. New water filter here, bust tank of diesel there. He’s very good at keeping high spirits, though, and he’d shrug his shoulders and shake it off. Stuff was a bummer, but when you looked at everything closely, nothing felt scary broken. It wasn’t until the binnacle column crumbled that we all felt real tinges of “oh, shit”.
Luckily, conditions were such that we didn’t really have time to freak out about it. Both Orlando and Tucker like problem solving, so they never really freak out anyway. Brains just start ticking ahead to “Now what?”. We were about 1 day out from Brisbane and the 40 knot winds and 7 meter seas we had been hoping to avoid had found us. Tucker had resorted to hand steering to make sure we didn’t broach. He’d already been at the helm for about 7 hours, which is alot of time to pay that kind of attention to the sea and respond to it. In order to keep our course, he had to point up into the wind as much as possible and when he saw a big wave coming, quickly turn down so the wave would be on our aft quarter, ride us down the wave, and then make sure to pull up out of it before hitting the one in front of us. Lots of concentration. I fed him candy and Oreos and thanked my lucky stars that I’m no good at steering a boat.

Tucker anticipating big waves
So about 7 hours of this hand-steering, we took a pretty big wave on the port side. It came into the boat and filled the cockpit (I have GoPro footage of big seas, more big seas, then full immersion in a wall of water, then a cockpit swimming pool). That’s nothing unusual, it was probably about the fourth time it had happened that day. We were clipped in and following all appropriate safety procedures. But this one also knocked Tucker against the helm. All of a sudden, things didn’t look right. The wheel was no longer normal somehow, had it been bent? Took us a minute to realize that the top of the binnacle, where the wheel enters the steering column, had a HUGE crack in it and the helm was no longer being sufficiently supported. You can kind of imagine that you’re driving down the highway, swerving through traffic, taking fire from the police in hot pursuit, and all of the sudden you get side swiped, and the steering wheel comes off in your hands, you look over at your buddy riding shotgun and, wide eyed he mouths, SHIT! We all knew the binnacle needed some love, probably replacing eventually, but we had never imagined that under the paint it was ready to crumble. We had done what we could to reinforce it before we left, and it worked fine for most conditions, but things had gotten unusually fierce. And I guess none of us had thought ahead to the possibility of a greater than usual force upon it, such as a hurtling human body. Made of aluminum that had oxydized through hairline cracks over the years, in those conditions, it had defied those large hose clamps holding it in place and crumbled.
Oh shit. If we lost steering in the current sea state, we’d broach for sure. And like I mentioned earlier, though stout, Paladino really wasn’t ready for a roll. She’s a really good boat, but if she went onto her side, or worse, all the way up-side down, her hatches might leak like a sieve, and she might not pop back around. We called Orlando up, yelled over the howling 40 knot wind, and we all set to rigging up something to keep the binnacle together. At least enough to get us through another 8 or so hours of the storm. Tucker was steering as best he could, the captain muttering and tinkering, and me handing out screwdrivers and metal bits when requested. 6 hose clamps and twenty minutes later, and Tucker was able to gingerly steer with his finger tips. It’s kind of hard to be gentle when the boat– and you in it– is being hurtled down, against, and over big waves. We were uneasily shouting to each other, planning how to rig the rudder to steer directly from back there should the binnacle fail. How to clip in well enough on the stern so as not to get washed off the boat. How to exert enough force. What lines we could use. We were all… nervous.

40 Knot Winds Find Us at Last
But aside from a continued 40 knots with gusts up to to 50, and never-ending mountains of waves, nothing else crazy happened. Our intended port was Brisbane, a sanctioned check-in point for yachts. But it lay in a bay directly south of the bay’s mouth, and the wind was coming pretty much dead on from the south. Unable to sail straight into that kind of weather, we pulled out the map, found a sheltered inlet just a bit to the north, and began radioing them at around midnight. When we finally reached the Mooloolaba coasties, we told them we were disabled (which was not a lie) and they let us come in out of the storm to their non-sanctioned check-in point (it took them a long time to respond to our calls, but I think it’s because Mooloolaba is not pronounced like it looks– Moo-loo-laa-baa– but rather, Ma-loo-la-ba, with the accent on the second syllable. It would have saved us a world of mooing all over the place and the resulting embarrassment if charts had pronunciation guides….).
The final harrowing half hour was kind of like that jerk at the party flipping you off after you’ve already walked through the front door on your way home, an “up-yours” from the ocean, the final hit of Whack-a-Mole. Getting into Mooloolaba harbor was a nightmare. A nighttime entry into an unfamiliar, narrow, shallow inlet. Some lit markers that the chart promised were either not lit or not there, and as we motored (yes, the motor did us right in the end) across about 7 feet of water (we draw 6), waves were breaking only about 20 feet away on our starboard side. The iPad, our only navigation tool aside from the compass, was on its last 6% charge and didn’t seem to want to acknowledge its plugged-in status, leaving us with perhaps fifteen minutes of navigational aid. Tucker, now twelve hours in on his steering adventure, freaked out for the first time that long day, “tell me where to go!” and then, like a gentle slap in the face, we were in the lake-calm waters of Mooloolaba Harbor. We motored past surreally large houses with personal docks and dropped the anchor in the very first possible anchorage. We half0heartedly congratulated each other, and quickly went to bed. Everyone slept like babies in our wet clothes on our wet beds. Game complete. Mission done. Regardless of the score, we had survived a vicious game full of repeated whackings.
In the morning, we limped our way to the coasties dock where customs made an exception and drove 2 hours north to check us in (that was very nice of them). We spent the next 2 days rinsing all the salt out of everything, taking absurdly long showers at the marina, and thanking our lucky stars that somehow, all that bad luck and all those systems’ failures added up to our safe arrival in Australia.
Moral of the story? There isn’t one. Sail boats are wet and sometimes they break. But they are also hearty and enjoy floating, more or less. Misgivings about leaving on a sailing trip are well founded, listen to them. But if after close inspection of both weather and ship they seem unfounded, well, human emotions are what they are. You’ll have to make your own decisions. Personally, I’m glad we made that passage. It felt like the kind of adventure I’ll probably only have a few times in my life. And staring at waves that size whipped up by wind that strong that many miles from land… I’m guessing there aren’t tons of humans who get to experience that, who get to see the sheer power of it. I’m happy to be one of them. Especially one of them who is now safe and far away from the beautiful monstrosity of the Tasman Sea…
What a great write-up! Sure gives me a real sense of what y’all went through. All I ever got from Orlando was “hooray for Tucker!”
Thanks, Lindig. Yeah it was a crazy trip. But what you should have got from Orlando was, “Hooray for Orlando!” He pulled together some really awesome and creative fixes and saved the day over and over. And, as I’m sure you can imagine, he kept a smile on his face the whole time. Sailing with him as captain is always a privilege.
As much as I am an aviator and not a sailor, this description of this adventure truly gave me the feeling that I was there, and ultimately glad that I was not a part of this crossing. Movies I had seen in the past about the treachery of the sea would remind me of these type of events, but of course these were exciting movies without the reality of the danger involved.
I am so glad to read the “happy end” and the survival of all of you with your great captain Orlando. A man I know well as he is described in this writing as a problem solver and a person that looks ahead but also has learned from the past experiences.
Orlando is fulfilling his dream and we are all extremely happy for his accomplishments and wish for his good fortune and good health for the remainder of his journey, wherever that may lead him and the wonderful crews he has had to share the adventure.
Jo&Maria [now residing in Germany.]
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